Sometimes it can be difficult for us to write the perfect job description in advance, before even meeting you. But it may still be that you are the perfect candidate we should have been looking for right now!
Therefore, don't be shy to let us know if you are intrigued by the proposition of joining our team on our mission and journey ahead, helping people and organizations stay safe online, while also giving scammers and cybercriminals a hard time at work.
Secure Practice offers an innovative cloud service for reducing human cyber risk in organizations. This includes helping people find out if emails are safe or malicious, spreading security awareness and knowledge through gamified digital training, and measuring risk and improvements over time.
Secure Practice was founded in 2017 and serves more than 500 organizations on a daily basis, with end-users in 30+ countries. Our very simple core value is people. Since our company is owned 100% by employees, we are equally free to set the goals and means of our own choice. Everyone who joins our team will have a unique opportunity to shape and build a great place to work, growing our team and impact through making people happy and safe.
People who are a good match with our team, may be characterized by:
Interest in helping people stay secure
Creativity, initiative and autonomy
Proactive with partners and customers
Positive attitude
Growth mindset
Love for people

Although we like to call ourselves a startup, we are still established enough to have predictable and family friendly working hours. People are typically around the office during 09–15. While we are «born in the cloud», and flexible for people to work from anywhere, we do appreciate having good fun around our head office in Trondheim, so we would love to see you there on a regular basis. Here, we can also offer some great facilities, including:
Canteen with healthy and tasty food
Indoor parking for bikes and cars
Wardrobes with drying closets
Friendly neighbors at AI Village
Fitness gym
Snacks and coffee
Social events
A great view to the fjord